Sunday, June 27, 2010

小心! 有名的鐘樓演奏者過來!

I've been on the phone for the last three hours...I think that's some kind of personal record!  Normally I hate talking on the phone.  However, that's neither here nor there.  When one is alone in a house with two dogs, one must take one's social interaction where one can find it.

So, the big news today is that I'm now world-famous!  Or at least Twin Cities-famous.  I played my second carillon concert of the summer at Central Lutheran church in downtown Minneapolis this morning after their worship service.  I practiced yesterday morning (well, just ran through my program, really), and the church public relations/media guy emailed me the day before and said there were going to be news cameras there from WCCO, the local TV station.  They didn't end up coming yesterday, because they had to get some coverage of some trees and houses knocked down by a storm Friday night instead (that's another post all on its own - that was a crazy storm!).  However, a cameraman did show up and film me playing this morning, so they put some footage of that on the news tonight!  So I'm a famous carillonneur now!  Here's the plug: go to and search for me!  I'm there, stocking feet and everything!  On top of that, it was the Minneapolis Gay Pride Parade today, so downtown was full of thousands and thousands of people.  It took me forever to find a parking spot to get to the church.  I'm sure many if not most of them heard my concert, too, so they count as my fan base, too!  I (very) briefly considered apostatizing earlier today - musicians at other churches get paid so much more than we do!  Infinitely more, in fact!

I didn't actually like the console as much as the one I played at a few weeks ago, but it was better regulated, and having a larger audience was definitely a plus.  Wherever I settle down eventually, a carillon may be a factor.  Not that I want that as a career, but it's pretty much a side job for everyone who does it, anyway.  I would just like to play occasionally.  I'm hoping the concert experience this summer lends some credence to my GCNA (Guild of Carillonneurs in North America) application, at least.  Speaking of which, I should order the audition music and start looking at it.

English title: Watch out!  The famous carillon player is coming!


  1. I KNEW I should have gotten your autograph before you left for the summer...

  2. I would have happily given it to you for your recital CD! :-)
