Sunday, August 14, 2011

Flight to Asia, Part 3

Well, now I'm in the Shanghai airport and in a bit of a daze.  I'm too tired to sleep, and there's no space to lie down anyway, so I'll write a quick update.  The plane from LA got on the ground around 6:40, and then it took ten minutes to taxi, with my next flight scheulded to leave at 7:15.  An agent met me at the gate, along with some people going to Hong Kong, and she expedited our transfer.  We had to go through security again, which I found strange since we'd already been through security in Los Angeles, but I guess new country = new regulations.  I ran to the gate, out of breath, only to find that this flight too had been delayed.  They said 8 pm, but it's 8:25 now and no sign of the plane.  Another flight from this gate to Hiroshima was cancelled a few minutes ago, and a flight supposed to leave for Osaka at 6:15 hasn't left yet.  Hmm...I don't mind waiting another hour or two, as long as they don't cancel my flight.  Fingers crossed...

8:40 - Flight delayed further, no departure time yet.  Sigh.

My flight didn't end up leaving until after 10 pm, and I arrived in Kuala Lumpur at 3:15 am, where my wonderful mother picked me up from the airport.  Got home at 4:15 and slept until 9, then went to church.

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