Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I wish I had taken this picture of the Mississippi:

but that would be a lie.  However, I do get to cross the fourth-largest and tenth-most powerful river in the world (1) twice every day on my way to and from work!  I never thought that would be true about myself.  It's rather normal-looking up here in Minneapolis, much narrower than I remember it from crossing into Illinois, but then again that's 400 miles downriver from here.  I'll get a picture of it sometime, but for now I prefer to keep my eyes on the freeway rather than gyrating wildly with my hands out the window on the off chance that I take a prize-winning snapshot at 70 miles an hour.

Here are some that I did take:

They lived in Japan for a while, and their decor reflects it:

There's much more where that came from.  My uncle served his mission in South Korea, but he also speaks Japanese like a native (he studied linguistics and Japanese in college).

More later...

English title: Mississippi River

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